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Social enterprise restaurant "Putroe" founded on the advice and financial support in the form of a loan from Mr. T.Nukman Bustaman, the first person to help me (Teuku Syafrizal founder YPKGM Foundation) that of fostering children's activities in the sub-district office overhang Lhoknga / Leupung so eventually became a foundation that earn the trust of various international NGOs (see full story, click here).

Now is your chance to be the first to give a fishing rod for social enterprises, both in the form of donations of grants and loans.

If the child asks for a fish give fishing

​The old adage of older people in Aceh is precisely to describe the basic foundation Eating establishment "Putroe" in Blang Nie - this Leupung. Because as a social enterprise established to support the operating costs Children Learning Center, then their own sources of funding for social projects that the exercise is helpful for sustainability projects at the Children Learning Center.

This means that the meal here or a member of the foundation YPKGM then you have to help poor children and orphans who became foster children in the Child Learning Center Leupung. So quickly did reservations and become our member!

About us

Restourant "Putroe" is a social enterprise, where some of the profits are used to support the activities of the Foundation YPKGM that provides free tutoring for poor children and orphans, coaching children dropping out of school and mischievous, fostering art and culture, fostering reading and the establishment of libraries village, scholarships for children and youth achievement, and others.

Get delicacy food Aceh

​Food Aceh are presented herein prepared from fresh food ingredients obtained from local farmers and fishermen. By processing the home cook who has been recognized by many friends and pass testing Aceh cuisine by culinary experts come from Jakarta and invited guests which is a culinary connoisseur in various other well-known restaurant, the delicious food typical of Aceh at restaurant "Putro" no doubt.

P U T R O E  


Blang Nie - Leupung - Aceh Besar 


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